Forbidden Archeology ************
July 31, 2002
Issue No. 8
"No one else but we ourselves handcuffed us, comfortably
in the face of fear. That's why we offer you our two bound
palms instead of unfolded wings."
-Ivan Radoev, Ballad for the Future
Michael Cremo offers his perspective on the Toumai skull
discovery, called a "scientific nuclear bomb," in this summer's

Your contributions are most welcome so as to facilitate critical
thinking and networking amidst our diverse community of
Forbidden Archeology compatriots. Special thanks to Newsflash
corresponant Jim Boyd for all the news jewels he shares!
–Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor.

To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:


NEWS - Michael Cremo’s Visit to the Ukraine
NEWS ROUNDUP – Toumai Skull Discovery
FORTHCOMING EVENTS – University Lectures
MCREMO.COM website update - Ukraine Tour
ANOMALOUS DISCOVERIES: Footprint in Stone/Ancient Column


Michael Cremo Returns from Indus Valley Script Seminar

Michael Cremo faciliated a seminar on the Indus Valley Script
held in Budapest, Hungary July 7-15, 2002. Participants included
Indology, Sanskrit and archeology students.

Paper Published in Bhaktivedanta Institute Compendium

A paper by Michael Cremo was published in a compendium of
essays published by The Bhaktivedanta Institute entitled
Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion edited by T.D.
Singh and Samaresh Bandyopadhyay (2001) The paper is
titled "Vedic Ethical Principles and Solution of the Environmental

Antiquity of Man Challenges Forbidden Archeology

A new book due for release at the end of July entitled The
Antiquity of Man: Artifactual, Fossil and Gene Records Explored
by Michael Brass (PublishAmerica, 2002) will provide an
in-depth critique of Cremo and Thompson's Forbidden Archeology.
Go to: for more details.

Michael Cremo Tours Slovenia and the Ukraine

You never know which part of the world the Forbidden Archeologist
will visit next! This spring he embarked upon a successful media
blitz of the Ukraine and Slovenia. Go to
to read Michael's travel diary detailing his adventures.


Toumai Skull - New Hominid from Chad?

A research team claims to have discovered the earliest evidence
of human ancestry to date - a skull, jawbone, and teeth estimated
to be between 6-7 million years old. Toumai, as the find is
nicknamed, is already the focus of intense debate and attention
amongst the media and scientific community. For complete report
go to:

Kauravas Were Cloned, Says Scientist

TIMES OF INDIA - Dr. B.G. Matapurkar says the science of
cloning and test-tube babies was utilized by ancient Indian
civilization around the time period of 3000 BC. Matapurkar,
who holds a patent on an organ regeneration technique,
bases his claim on a verse from the Indian epic, Mahabharata,
that describes how the Kauravas were created from a single
embryo from a woman named Gandhari. (Saturday, May 4, 2002)

Map of the Creator

Scientists at Bashkir State University claim to have discovered
indisputable proof of an ancient highly developed civilization.
Stone slabs dated at 120 million years depict a relief map of the
Ural Region, including inscriptions of unknown origin. Go to: for more info.

Indus Script Decoded?

TIMES OF INDIA - Robertson Medical Institute Director Gopalji
Agarwal claims to have deciphered the elusive Indus script. He
says this will radically change current world history books, showing
linkages between Indian culture and practically all other countries
of the world. For complete story go to:


Laura Lee interviews Michael Cremo

Go to for another classic Laura Lee interview
with Michael Cremo on her webcast audio archive during the week of
August 5-12.


One More Revolution

Every six months or so we get a "revolution" in hominid paleontology. There have been
so many of these so-called revolutions in the past couple of years, that my head is
spinning. First there was Ardiptihecus, and then the Millenium Man, and then Meave
Leakey's "Flat Face" (Kenyanthropus).

The latest revolutionary discovery is Sahelanthropus tchadensis. The discoverers assert
that it's a hominid, a human ancestor, who lived between six and seven million years ago
in the Sahel region of the Central African nation of Chad. Making "anthropus" (human) is
a deliberate ploy to make us think this must be one of us, a direct human ancestor. And
the media swallow it, and play it back to us in magnified terms. The July 22 issue of Time
features a double page painting of the creature, with the title Father of Us All? blazoned
across the top.

All this hype is based on the assumption that evolution is a fact, that it has been established
beyond all doubt that humans like us have evolved from more primitive apelike creatures.
Therefore, when scientists find any apelike bones from the period of 4 to 7 million years ago,
they strain their brains to find in them some humanlike features, so that they can be declared
human ancestors.

However, as I have documented in Forbidden Archeology, we can find evidence of anatomically
modern humans existing at the same time and in fact in even far earlier times. If we look at the
scientific literature of the past century or so, we see that scientists in all parts of the world have
uncovered human skeletal remains in layers of rock up to 300 million years old.

So the scientists straining to find ancestral human features in old ape bones are simply
hallucinating. Their seeing humanlike features in the bones of extinct apes is hardly different
from seeing humanlike features in the clouds in the sky. The real revolution in hominid paleontology
will come when scientists accept the fact that humans have always existed on earth, and that we
did not come from the apes.

Even conventional scientists disagree with the discoverers' judgements about the so-called
human ancestor from Chad. Brigitte Senut and others suggest that they may have simply
found the bones of a female ape somewhat like a gorilla, with no connection to humans at all.

Michael A. Cremo
__________________________________________________________ update

New links at
Michael Cremo’s Ukraine Tour in his Travel Diary:

FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution

Letters to

Question: One of the questions I have after reading Mr. Cremo's
books is this. Why does there seem to be a consistent finding of
ancient gorilla or other like creature skulls, while ancient human
skulls seemingly never are found? Throughout my 54 years, I
have read about researchers coming up with older and older
animal skulls, but they don't find older and older human skulls.
Is it because there were very few humans, or the humans were
all in the one place that has not been found? In any case, it has
always puzzled me that there were supposed to be all these
humans millions of years ago, but we seem to only find ape
skulls and not the same age human skulls. Your response
would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer: Of course, many human skulls have been found by
scientists, in layers of rock millions of years old. Most of these
were found by scientists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, before the timeline of human evolution became very
fixed. Once it became fixed in scientists' minds that the oldest
humans date only to the most recent times (the last two
hundred thousand years), they stopped looking for such
things. Scientists tend to find what they are looking for. Right
now, they are not looking for evidence of anatomically modern
humans in very ancient layers of rock, so of course they do
not report such things. But still, some things slip through. Not
necessarily skulls, but other kinds of evidence for anatomically
modern humans. For example, Richard Leakey in 1979 reported
finding a thigh bone that he said was indistinguishable from a
modern human thigh bone. It came from layers of rock almost
2 million years old. And Mary Leakey found footprints, which
she said were not different from modern human footprints, in
layers of rock almost 4 million years old. But if you look at the
whole history of archeology, you will find that human skulls
have been found in very old layers of rock. Forbidden
Archeology documents many such discoveries.

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo

5/23/02 Today on Fox News, the Fox Report showed a
giant foot print in stone found at Cleveland National Forest
near Ramona, California. I have searched everywhere on
the internet and can not fin any information on this. It was a
very large clear human footprint. If you have seen this or have
any information I would like to have it.

Editor's note: If anyone has leads on this, please contact
Tonya at <>

Dear Mr. Cremo,

On Cerro Funke, Sierra de la Ventana, Province of Buenos Aires,
Argentina, there are two large, extremely old columns of large
diameter, perfectly cylindrical, lying on the slope of the hill. The
columns appear identical. It is not known what lies underneath,
or where the foundations of the column are/were, for the hill has
not been explored/dug.

The few locals who seem to know about these strange columns
shrug them off as of "natural" origins.

My brother stumbled upon them, and took pictures. They show
artifacts that were obviously manufactured to my perception (and his).
The chances for one such gigantic column to be created "naturally"
are great, for two identical, nearby and toppled over in the same
direction, the odds must be stronomical (as far a natural occurrence goes).

If you are interested, you can contact my brother Carl for more information.
He is very interested in anomalous artifacts and human history.

Michael Cremo responds: My main interest is evidence for extreme human
antiquity, evidence that humans have existed for over one or two hundred thousand years.

So if these columns could be shown to be over one hundred thousand years old,
that would be interesting.

But I have some interest in the question of the origins of civilization.

Generally speaking, one would not expect to find evidence for monumental stone
columns going back more than six thousand years or so. Of course, crude stone
monuments like Stonehenge and other megalithic sites could be older than that,
but even that sort of thing would not go back more than fifteen or twenty thousand years.

So if these columns could be shown to be more than six thousand years old, that
would be quite interesting.

I also have some interest in the peopling of the Americas. According to standard
theories, humans first came into the Americas about 15,000 years ago, max. So
if these things are older than that, that would be interesting. They would also be
interesting if they were over a few thousand years old. They would also be interesting
if they gave signs of influence from one of the known civilizations of the Old World.

I see my work as being a conduit and compiler for research done by others. So I think
I shall have to rely on you and your brother for more information about these discoveries.
The key items would be to try to get some confirmation of the intelligent manufacture of
the objects, any visible cultural influences, and of course the age of the objects.

Send us your stories about those anomalous skeletons
discovered in the back yard! We are looking for solid,
well-documented evidence, but all accounts are welcome.
Send to:

The information presented here is not necessarily endorsed
by Michael Cremo or the Forbidden Archeology Newsflash
editor. All material is shared in the spirit of open and free
inquiry to our unique cadre of evolution revolutionaries.

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